A simple interface for easy using pyngrok tunnel port forwarding. Useful if you want to move your localhost to public
1) First install all RequiredDependencies
2) Git clone https://github.com/Dartvauder/NgrokManager.git
to any location
3) Run the Install.bat
and wait for installation
4) After installation, run Start.bat
5) Wait for the application to launch
6) Enjoy!
1) First install all RequiredDependencies
2) Git clone https://github.com/Dartvauder/NgrokManager.git
to any location
3) Run the ./Install.sh
and wait for installation
4) After installation, run ./Start.sh
5) Wait for the application to launch
6) Enjoy!
1) Register using this site Ngrok
2) Go to your dashboard and copy your token
3) Paste your token in ngrok Token
4) Enter the port you need to tunnel and select your protocol
5) Click Create Tunnel
button and double-click on the link that appears below
6) To delete a tunnel, select it below and click Delete Selected Tunnel
7) To check the status of your connections, click Web Inspection Interface
SSH Tunnel
:ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your@email.com"
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Create SSH Tunnel
buttonFirst of all, I want to thank the developers of PyCharm, GitHub and Ngrok. With the help of their applications, i was able to create and share my code
- https://github.com/alexdlaird/pyngrokpyyaml
- https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/